Each Monopolybase record page lists a number of records (called the "query set") from the database according to the query invoked from the main page. For example, this is an abbreviated form of the page called up from the link for Australia under the Official Editions heading. (The current query set for Australia actually consists of two records.)
The first thing you will see is the designation of the database query set in plain language, and the flag of the locale for that query set. The locale is named using the current (short) name given to the locale- this may have changed since some of the sets catalogued were issued. The flag is always shown in the aspect ratio 4:3 regardless of the correct aspect ratio for the flag. Where the aspect ratio is different from the correct ratio, some elements of the flag may be repositioned to avoid distortion. Some complex elements of the flag may be simplified. Monopolybase is not a flag database, which is why these limitations are imposed.
The next thing you will see is a list of records, each record corresponding to a Monopoly game set. This list is sorted alphabetically by their title or name.
The title and date of first release are listed in boldface, with the date of release in parentheses. This is followed by the list of manufacturers who are known to have produced the game in the order in which they were first to produce it. This list is in parentheses, separated by commas.
Sometimes a record will consist a message describing why the fields are not available on line. In some cases the record has not yet been added to the on-line database, although the site maintainer has the information necessary to add this record. In these cases the record will be added in due course. In other cases, the record had to be removed because it was substantially incorrect. In either case, submitting a form with details of the game may speed up the process, as these forms can often be processed with little manual intervention from the site maintainer.
When the fields for a record are available, these fields include those describing the game board (and tokens, where these are known to be different from the standard set):
Indigo: Todd Street, Smith Street
Cyan: Salamanca Place, Davey Street, Macquarie Street
Purple: William Street, Barrack Street, Hay Street
Orange: North Terrace, Victoria Square, Rundle Mall
Red: Stanley Street, Petries Bight, Wickham Terrace
Yellow: Collins Street, Elizabeth Street, Bourke Street
Green: Castlereagh Street, George Street, Pitt Street
Blue: Flinders Way, Kings Avenue
Railways: Perth Station, Adelaide Station, Flinders St Station, Sydney Station
Utilities: Australia Post, Telecom Australia
Luxury Tax: Sales Tax
Tokens: The Koala
Colour groups are listed in order from the Go square proceeding clockwise around the board. The colour name is given, followed by a colon, and then the properties are listed from right to left (where the edge of the board containing the properties is facing the observer). Railways are utilities then listed. If each colour group has group name applied to it on the set, this is given before the colon instead of the colour. Where railways and utilities have a different designation on this board, this designation is given in parentheses.
Where the currency is known to be different from "dollars", this is listed in the Currency field. When the amount of salary is known to be other than 200 units of this currency, this is also given along with the abbrevaition for the currency. Monopolybase always lists the currency abbreviation before the amount, even where this is not the custom. This may change in future.
The names of the corner squares, the names of Chance and Community Chest cards and the name of Sales/Luxury Tax are then given (in clockwise order of their appearance on the board) where these differ from the standard game.
Often, at the end of the record, a list of references to web pages which describe the game in more detail are given:
Web references: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/6413/Monopoly-Aust.html
Sometimes information for a record may be missing or wrong- this is particularly the case for the date and manufacturer fields in the title line for each record. You are invited to supply values for these fields if you can, using one or other of the revision forms.